NLTC Tariff

Regulations, Rates, and Charges Applying to the Provision of Intrastate Access Services Within the Operating Territory of Communications Corporation of Indiana in the State of Indiana

New Lisbon Telephone Company
6369 E. Dublin Pike
New Lisbon, IN 47366
765-332-2413 Office
NLTC Tariff PDF | Issue Date: 7/3/2024 | Effective Date: 7/3/2024

Concurrence and Cancellation Statement

With the effective date of this Tariff, New Lisbon Telephone Company, Inc. will no longer concur in the Rochester Telephone Company Intrastate Access Services Tariff U.R.C. No.1, effective with the effective date of the TCA Interstate Tariff No. 1.

Check Sheet

Title Pages of this tariff are effective as of the date shown. Original and revised pages as named below contain all changes from the original tariff.

Number of Revisions Number of Revisions Number of Revisions
Page Except as Indicated Page Except as Indicated Page Except as Indicated
1 Original 25 Original 50 Original
1.1 Original 26 Original 51 Original
2 Original 27 Original 52 Original
3 Original 28 Original 53 Original
4 Original 29 Original 54 Original
5 Original 30 Original 55 Original
6 Original 31 Original 56 Original
7 Original 32 Original 57 Original
8 Original 33 Original 58 Original
9 Original 34 Original 59 Original
10 Original 35 Original 60 Original
11 Original 36 Original 61 Original
12 Original 37 Original 62 Original
13 Original 38 Original 63 Original
14 Original 39 Original 64 Original
15 Original 40 Original 65 Original
16 Original 41 Original 66 Original
17 Original 42 Original 67 Original
18 Original 43 Original 68 Original
19 Original 44 Original 69 Original
20 Original 45 Original 70 Original
21 Original 46 Original 71 Original
22 Original 47 Original 72 Original
23 Original 48 Original
24 Original 49 Original

Intrastate Access Service Tariff

Concurrence and Exceptions

New Lisbon Telephone Company (NTLC), Inc. concurs in the following sections of the TCA Interstate Access Tariff F.C.C. No. 1 except as noted below; subject to approval by the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission.

TCA Section Concur New Lisbon Telephone Company Exceptions
Title Page No NLTC has its own Title Pages
Check Sheets No NLTC has its own Check Sheets
Table of Contents Yes None*
User Guidelines Yes None*
Subject Index Yes None
1. Application of Tariff Yes None
2. General Regulations Yes None*
3. Federal Universal Service Charge, ISDN Line Ports, DS1 Line Port, and Consumer Broadband-Only Loop Charge No Not Applicable to Intrastate
4. End User Access Service No Not Applicable to Intrastate
5. Access Ordering Yes None*
6. Switched Access Service Yes None
7. Special Access Service Yes None
8. Digital Subscriber line Access Services No None
9. Directory Assistance No None
10. Special Federal Government Access Services No None
11. Special Facilities Routing of Access Services Yes None
12. Specialized Service Agreements (Special Construction) Yes None
13. Additional Engineering, Additional Labor and Miscellaneous Services Yes The following are not applicable to Intrastate Access Services:
1. 13.4 Presubscription
2. 13.14 Local Number Portability (LNP)
3. 13.15 Access Recovery Charge (ARC)
14. Reserved for Future Use N/A N/A
15. Interfaces and Transmission Specs N/A None
16. Public Packet Data Network Yes 16.4 Internet Protocol Gateway Access Service is not applicable to Intrastate
Rates and Charges Yes The following are not applicable to Intrastate Access Services:
1. 17.1.2 End User Access Service
2. 17.1.3 Federal Universal Service Charges
3. 17.1.4 ISDN Line Ports
4. 17.1.5 DS1 Line Port
5. 17.4.4 (O) Miscellaneous Services (Access Recovery Charge/ARC)
6. 17.4.5 Special Federal Government Access Services

*Information related to Access Recovery Charge, Consumer Broadband-Only Loop Charge/Service (including Line Port), End-User Access Service, Federal Universal Service Charge, ISDN Line Ports, Internet Protocol Gateway Access Service, Local Number Portability, Presubscription, and Special Federal Government Access Services is not applicable to Intrastate.

Table of Contents

Users Guide

Concurring Carriers

Connecting Carriers

Other Participating Carriers

Registered Service Marks

Registered Trademarks

Explanation of Symbols

Explanation of Abbreviations

  1. Application of Tariff
  2. General Regulations
  3. Federal Universal Service Charge
  4. End User Access Service
  5. Access Ordering
  6. Switched Access Servicev
  7. Special Access Service
  8. Digital Subscriber Line Access Service
  9. Directory Assistance Service
  10. Special Federal Government Access Servicesv
  11. Special Facilities Routing of Access Service
  12. Specialized Service of Arrangements
  13. Additional Engineering, Additional Labor and Miscellaneous Services
  14. Reserved for Future Use
  15. Access Service Interfaces and Transmission Specifications
  16. Public Packet Data Network
  17. Rates and Charges

Users Guide


This tariff references the TCA Interstate Tariff F.C.C. No 1 for its terms and conditions subject to the exceptions listed herein. This tariff comports with the F.C.C. Part 61 rules in 47 C.F.R. Section 61.39 as promulgated by the Report and Order in CC Docket No. 86-467, adopted May 14, 1987, and released June 29, 1987. Consequently, this tariff cross references the National Exchange Carrier Association, Inc. Tariff F.C.C. No. 5 for terms and conditions.

Concurring Carriers


Connecting Carriers


Other Participating Carriers


Registered Service Marks


Registered Trademarks


Service Explanation of Symbols

The following symbols shall be used for this tariff for the purpose indicated below:

C – to signify changed regulation.
D – to signify discontinued rate or regulation.
I – to signify increase to a rate or charge.
M – to signify matter relocated without change.
N – to signify new rate or regulation.
R – to signify reduction to a rate or charge.
S – to signify matter reissued without change.
T – to signify a change in text but no change in rate or regulation.
Z – to signify a correction.

Explanation of Abbreviations

ADA – Abbreviated Dialing Arrangement

ADM – Add/Drop Multiplexing

ADSL – Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line

AML – Actual Measured Loss

ANI – Automatic Number Identification

AP – Program Audio

BHMC – Busy Hour Minutes of Capacity

CCS – Common Channel Signaling

CDP – Customer Designated Premises

CI – Channel Interface

CIR – Committed Information Rate

CN – Charge Number

CNP – Charge Number Parameter

CO – Central Office

Cont’d – Continued

CPE – Customer Provided Equipment

CPN – Calling Party Number

CSP – Carrier Selection Parameter

DA – Directory Assistance

dB – decibel

dBrnC – Decibel Reference Noise C-Message Weighting

dBrnCO – Decibel Reference Noise C-Message Weighted O

dc – direct current

DDD – Direct Distance Dialing

DSL – Digital Subscriber Line

EAS – Extended Area Service

EDD – Envelope Delay Distortion

EML – Expected Measured Loss

EPL – Echo Path Loss

ERL – Echo Return Loss

ESS – Electronic Switching System

ESSX – Electronic Switching System Exchange

f – frequency

F.C.C. – Federal Communications Commission

FRAS – Frame Relay Access Service

HC – High Capacity

Hz – Hertz

IC – Interexchange Carrier

ICB – Individual Case Basis

ICL – Inserted Connection Loss

kbps – kilobits per second

kHz – kilohertz

LAN – Local Area Network

LATA – Local Access and Transport Area

ma – milliamperes

Mbps – Megabits per second

mcs – Microsecond

MHz – Megahertz

MRC – Monthly Recurring Charge

MT – Metallic

MTS – Message Telecommunications Service

NPA – Numbering Plan Area

NRC – Nonrecurring Charge

NXX – Three-Digit Central Office Prefix

OC – Optical Carrier

OLT – Optical Line Termination

PBX – Private Branch Exchange

PIC – Presubscribed Interexchange Carrier

POT – Point of Termination

PSTN – Public Switched Telephone Network

PVC – Permanent Virtual Connection

SAC – Service Access Code

SNAL – Signaling Network Access Line

SONET – Synchronous Optical Network

SP – Signaling Point

SPOI – Signaling Point of Interface

SRL – Singing Return Loss

SSP – Service Switching Point

SS7 – Signaling System 7

STP – Signal Transfer Point

STS – Synchronous Transport Signal

SWC – Serving Wire Center

TDM – Time Division Multiplexing

TG – Telegraph Grade

TLP – Transmission Level Point

TV – Television

VG – Voice Grade

V & H – Vertical & Horizontal

WATS – Wide Area Telecommunications Service WSC

WSC – Wireless Switching Center

WSO – WATS Serving Office

1. Application of Tariff


This tariff contains regulations, rates and charges applicable to the provision of intrastate access service (including Carrier Common Line, End User Access, Switched Access, Special Access, Digital Subscriber Line Access Service, Public Packet Data Network and other miscellaneous services hereinafter referred to collectively as service(s)). These services are provided to customers by the issuing carriers, hereinafter the Telephone Company. This tariff also contains Access Ordering regulations and charges that are applicable when these services are ordered or modified by the customer.)


The provision of such services by the Telephone Company as set forth in this tariff does not
constitute a joint undertaking with the customer for the furnishing of any service.


TCA, in accordance with the provisions of Part 61.39(a) of the F.C.C.’s Rules and Regulations and under the Authority of Special Permission 03-058, has elected to file its own tariff and reference the regulations, terms and conditions of the National Exchange Carrier Association, Inc. (NECA) Tariff F.C.C. No. 5, Access Service, for the General Regulations, End User Common Line, Carrier Common Line, Switched Access Services, Special Access Services, and other miscellaneous services contained therein. (New Lisbon Telephone Company, Inc., is a participating carrier in the TCA Tariff F.C.C. No. 1) Regulations, terms and conditions applicable to these services are therefore specifically cross referenced and included in the following sections of the TCA Interstate Tariff F.C.C. No 1:

2. General Regulations

3. Federal Universal Service Charge, ISDN Line Ports and DS1 Line Ports

4. End User Access Service

5. Access Ordering

6. Switched Access Service

7. Special Access Service

8. Digital Subscriber Line Access Service

9. Directory Assistance Service

10. Special Federal Government Access Services

11. Special Facilities Routing of Access Service

12. Specialized Service or Arrangements

13. Additional Engineering, Additional Labor and Miscellaneous Services

14. Reserved for Future Use

15. Access Service Interfaces and Transmission Specifications

16. Public Packet Data Network

2. General Regulations

The regulations, terms and conditions for Switched Access Service are the same as those set forth in Section 2 of the TCA Interstate Tariff F.C.C. No 1, subject to the exceptions set forth herein.

3. Federal Universal Service Charge, ISDN Line Ports and DS1 Line Ports

Not Applicable to Intrastate Service.

4. End User Access Service

Not Applicable to Intrastate Service.

5. Access Ordering

The regulations, terms and conditions for Switched Access Service are the same as those set forth in Section 5 of the TCA Interstate Tariff F.C.C. No. 1, subject to the exceptions set forth herein.

6. Switched Access Service

The regulations, terms and conditions for Switched Access Service are the same as those set forth in Section 6 of the TCA Interstate Tariff F.C.C. No. 1.

7. Special Access Service

The regulations, terms and conditions for Special Access Service are the same as those set forth in Section 7 of the TCA Interstate Tariff F.C.C. No. 1.

8. Digital Subscriber Line Access Service

Not applicable for Intrastate Service.

9. Directory Service

Not applicable for Intrastate service.

10. Special Federal Government Access Service

Not applicable for Intrastate service.

11. Special Facilities Routing of Access Services

The regulations, terms and conditions for Special Access Service are the same as those set forth in Section 11 of the TCA Interstate Tariff F.C.C. No. 1.

12. Specialized Service or Arrangements

The regulations, terms and conditions for Special Access Service are the same as those set forth in Section 12 of the TCA Interstate Tariff F.C.C. No. 1.

13. Additional Engineering, Additional Labor and Miscellaneous Services

The regulations, terms and conditions for this section are the same as those set forth in Section 13 of the TCA Interstate Tariff F.C.C. No. 1, subject to the following exceptions: Section 13.4 (“Presubscription”), Section 13.14 (“Local Number Portability (LNP)”, and Section 13.15 (“Access Recovery Charge (ARC)” are not applicable to Intrastate Access Services.

14. Exceptions to Access Service Offerings

Reserved for Future Use.

15. Access Service Interfaces and Transmission Specifications

The regulations, terms and conditions for this section are the same as set forth in Section 15 of the TCA Interstate Tariff F.C.C. No. 1

16. Public Packet Data Network

The regulations, terms and conditions for this section are the same as those set forth in Section 16 of the TCA Interstate Tariff F.C.C. No. 1, subject to the following exceptions: Section 16.4 (“Internet Protocol Gateway Access”), is not applicable to Intrastate Access Services.

17. Rates and Charges – New Lisbon Telephone Company, Inc.

17.1 Carrier Common Line Access Service, Federal Universal Service Charge, ISDN Line Ports, and DS1 Line Port

17.1.2 End User Access Service

Not Applicable to Intrastate Services

17.1.3 Federal Universal Service Charge ((FUSC)

Not Applicable to Intrastate Services

17.1.4 ISDN Line Port

Not Applicable to Intrastate Services

17.1.5 DS1 Line Ports

Not Applicable to Intrastate Services

17.2 Switched Access Service

17.2.1 Nonrecurring Charges

17.2.1 Nonrecurring Charges Rate Tariff Section Reference
(A) Local Transport—Installation (Per Entrance Facility)
Voice Grade Two-Wire $767.89 6.4.1 (B)(1)
Voice Grade Four-Wire $767.89
High Capacity DS1 $563.15
High Capacity DS3 $759.36
Synchronous Optical Channel OC3 $614.32
Synchronous Optical Channel OC12 $614.32
ESALT 2 Mbps $910.09
Reserved for Future Use
ESALT 10 mbps $910.09
ESALT 50 mbps $910.09
(C) Interim NXX Translation (Per Order)
Per LATA or Market Area $375.43 6.4.1 (B)(2)
(D) FGC and FDG Conversion of Multifrequency Address Signaling to SS7 Signaling or SS7 Signaling to Multifrequency Address Signaling
Per 24 Trunks Converted or Fraction thereof, on a Per Order Basis $754.24 (Per Order) 6.4.1 (B)(3)
(E) Trunk Activation
Per 24 Trunk Activated or Fraction thereof, on a Per Order Basis $783.24 6.4.1 (B)(1)
(F) ESALT Direct Trunked Termination
Per ESALT Direct Trunked Termination Installed $599.59 6.4.1 (B)(1)
(G) Flexible Automatic Number Identification (Flex ANI)
Per End Office, Per CIC None 6.10.1 (AA)
(H) ESALT Entrance Facility Protection
Per ESALT Entrance Facility $919.91 6.10.3

17.2.2 Local Transport

17.2.2 Local Transport Rate Nonrecurring Charges Tariff Section Reference
Premium Access
Entrance Facility (Per Termination) 6.1.3 (A)(1)
Voice Grade Two-Wire $75.00
Voice Grade Four-Wire $120.02
High Capacity DS1 $365.64
High Capacity DS3 $3,338.54
Synchronous Optical Channel OC3 $3,404.29
Synchronous Optical Channel OC12 $3,634.70
ESALT 2 Mbps $647.65
Reserved for Future Use
ESALT 10 mbps $698.02
ESALT 50 mbps $904.31
Direct Trunked Transport 6.1.3 (A)(2)
Direct Trunked Facility (Per Mile)
Voice Grade $5.34
High Capacity DS1 $25.06
High Capacity DS3 $218.23
Synchronous Optical Channel OC3 $233.60
Synchronous Optical Channel OC12 $293.17
Direct Trunked Facility (Per DTF-E1 Facility)
ESALT 2 Mbps $73.78
Reserved for Future Use
ESALT 10 Mbps $187.09
ESALT 50 Mbps $523.85
Direct Trunked Facility (Per DTF-E2 Facility)
ESALT 2 Mbps $49.19
Reserved for Future Use
ESALT 10 Mbps $112.26
ESALT 50 Mbps $349.27
Direct Trunked Facility (Per DTF-E3 Facility)
ESALT 2 Mbps $127.07
Reserved for Future Use
ESALT 10 Mbps $319.85
ESALT 50 Mbps $1,044.59
Direct Trunked Facility (Per DTF-E4 Facility)
ESALT 2 Mbps $212.75
Reserved for Future Use
ESALT 10 Mbps $656.02
ESALT 50 Mbps $1,861.60
Direct Trunked Termination (Per Termination)
Voice Grade $53.70
High Capacity DS1 $129.97
High Capacity DS3 $834.60
Synchronous Optical Channel OC3 $869.02
Synchronous Optical Channel OC12 $1,892.13
ESALT 2 Mbps $172.18
Reserved for Future Use
ESALT 10 Mbps $210.49
ESALT 50 Mbps $257.25
Multiplexing (Per Arrangement)
DS3 to DS1 $761.50
DS1 to Voice $294.00
Customer Node (Per Node)
OC3 – 155.52 Mbps $790.50 $695.58
OC12 – 622.08 Mbps $2,283.68 $695.58
Customer Premise Port (Per Port) 6.1.3 (A)(7)
OC3 – 155.52 Mbps $259.41
STS-1 – 51.84 Mbps $311.43 $695.58
DS3 – 44.736 Mbps $311.43 $695.58
DS1 – 1.544 Mbps $79.79 $695.58
Add/Drop Multiplexing Central Office Port (Per Port)
OC2 – 155.52 Mbps $259.41
DS3 – 44.736 Mbps $159.71
DS1 – 1.544 Mbp $63.87
Tandem Switched Transport 6.1.3 (A)(3)
Tandem Switched Facility Per Access Minute Per Mile* $0.000437
Tandem Switched Termination Per Access Minute Per Termination* $0.002271
Tandem Switching Per Access Minute Per Tandem* $0.005729
Joint Tandem Switched Transport* (Per Originating Toll Free Only Access Minute Per Tandem) $0.001
Network Blocking Per Blocked Call Applied to FGD Only $0.026221 6.8.6
(A) Common Channel Signaling Network Connection
(1) Signaling Network Access Link 6.10.3
Signaling Mileage Facility (Per Mile) $7.19
Signaling Mileage Termination (Per Termination) $72.27
Signaling Entrance Facility (Per Facility) $138.42 $423.86
(2) STP Port
Per Port $713.30
(B) Toll Free Database Access Service Queries 6.10.3
Per Query
Basic $0.0002
Vertical Feature $0.0002
(C) ESALT Real Time CoS/QoS 6.10.3
Per ESALT Direct Trunked Facility (Per Option)
ESALT 2 Mbps $14.10 per month
Reserved for Future Use
ESALT 10Mbps $70.47 per month
ESALT 50 Mbps $219.33 per month
(D) ESALT Entrance Facility Protection (Per ESALT Entrance Facility)
Per ESALT Direct Trunked Facility (Per Option)
ESALT 2 Mbps $453.65 per month
Reserved for Future Use
ESALT 10Mbps $453.65 per month
ESALT 50 Mbps $453.65 per month

* The Joint Tandem Switched Transport rate element applies per tandem to originating toll free minutes only in lieu of the Tandem Switched Facility, Tandem Switched Termination and Tandem Switching rate elements as of July 1, 2021.

17.2.3 End Office

17.2.3 End Office Rate
(A) Local Switching
Premium (Per Originating Access)
Non-Toll Free $0.076622
Toll Free Only $0.000000
(B) Information Surcharge
Premium (Per 100 Originating Access Minutes)
Non-Toll Free $0.084314
Toll Free Only $0.000000

17.2.4 Reserved for Future Use

17.2.5 Directory Assistance Service

17.2.5 Directory Assistance Service Rate Tariff Section Reference
(A) Directory Assistance Service $1.73 9.4.2
Directory Assistance Service Charge applies for each call to Directory Assistance Service
(B) Reserved for Future Use
(C) Credit Allowance for Uncompleted DA Calls
In addition to the credit allowances for Directory Assistance Service Calls and Directory Transport as set forth respectively in 9.4.8 (A) and (B) preceding, there is also a credit allowance for the Switched Access Service portion in the originating LATA of such DA call. The credit will be as set forth following:
(1) Credit per call when Switched Access Service is billed using
nonpremium per minute rates
$0.047731 9.4.8
(2) Credit per call when Feature Group A or B Switched Access
Service is billed using premium per minute rates
$0.089967 9.4.8
(3) Credit per call when Feature Group C or D Switched Access Service is billed using premium per minute rates $0.089967 9.4.8

17.2.6 Assumed Minutes of Use

17.2.6 Assumed Minutes of Use Assumed Per Month Per Line or Trunk Tariff Section Reference
(A) Feature Group A, Two Way Calling (1510 Originating, 2685 Terminating 4195 6.5.4
(B) Feature Group A, Originating Only 1510 6.5.4
(C) Feature Group A, Terminating Only 2685 6.5.4
(D) Feature Group B, Two Way Calling (3132 Originating, 5568
8700 6.5.4
(E) Feature Group B, Originating Only 3132 6.5.4
(F) Feature Group B, Terminating Only 5568 6.5.4

17.2.7 Operator Transfer Service

17.2.7 Operator Transfer Service Assumed Per Month Per Line or Trunk Tariff Section Reference
Per Call Transferred $0.7829 6.10

17.3 Special Access Service

17.3.1 Surcharge for Special Access Service

17.3.1 Surcharge for Special Access Service Monthly Rate Tariff Section Reference
Per Voice Grade Equivalent $25.00 7.3

17.3.2 Metallic Service

Regulations concerning metallic Service are set forth in Section 7.4 of the NECA Tariff F.C.C. No. 5.

17.3.2 Metallic Service Monthly Rate Nonrecurring Rate
(A) Channel Termination Per Termination $155.74 $450.00
(B) Channel Mileage
(1) Channel Mileage Facility Per Mile $244.18
(2) Channel Mileage Termination Per Termination $15.63
(C) Option Features and Functions
(1) Bridging
(a) Three Premises Bridging Per Port $31.59
(b) Series Bridging Per Port $31.59
(2) DSL Access Service Connection
(a) Per 10BASE-T $1,214.60 $450.00
(b) Per 100BASE-T $6,304.86 $650.00

17.3.3 Telegraph Grade Service

17.3.3 Telegraph Grade Services Monthly Rate Nonrecurring Rate
(A) Channel Termination Per Termination
Two-Wire $155.74 $450.00
Four-Wire $311.59 $450.00
(B) Channel Mileage
(1) Channel Mileage Facility Per Mile $18.70
(2) Channel Mileage Termination Per Termination $187.36
(C) Optional Features and Functions
(1) Telegraph Bridging Per Port
Two-Wire $31.59
Four-Wire $31.59

17.3.4 Voice Grade Service

17.3.4 Voice Grade Service Monthly Rate Nonrecurring Rate
(A) Channel Termination Per Termination
Two-Wire $261.65 $450.00
Four-Wire $418.68 $450.00
(B) Channel Mileage
(1) Channel Mileage Facility Per Mile $18.70
(2) Channel Mileage Termination Per Termination $187.36
(C) Optional Features and Functions
(1) Bridging
(a) Voice Bridging Per Port
Two-Wire $31.59
Four-Wire $31.59
(b) Data Bridging Per Port
Two-Wire $31.59
Four-Wire $31.59
(c) Telephoto Bridging Per Port
Two-Wire $31.59
Four-Wire $31.59
(d) Dataphone Select-A-Station Bridging
Sequential Arrangement, Ports Per Channel Connected
Two-Wire $107.63
Four-Wire $570.74
Additional Arrangement, Ports Per Channel Connected
Two-Wire $115.13
Four-Wire $498.54
(e) Telemetry and Alarm Bridging
Active Bridging Channel Connections Per Channel Connected
Split Band $50.27
Summation $19.67
Passive Bridging Channel Connections Per Channel Connected $1.39
(2) Conditioning Per Termination
C-Type $46.36
Improved Attenuation Distortion None
Improved Envelope Delay Distortion None
Data Capability $41.19
Telephoto Capability $43.73
Sealing Current None
(3) Improved Return Loss for Effective Two-Wire or Four-Wire Transmission Per Termination
Two-Wire $66.25
Four-Wire $66.25
(4) Customer Specified Receive Level Per Two-Wire Termination $50.07
(5) Multiplexing Per Arrangement Voice to Telegraph Grade $1,131.98
(6) Signaling Capability Per Termination $106.09
(7) Selective Signaling Arrangement Per Arrangement $31.59
(8) Transfer Arrangement (key activated** or Dial Up***)
Per Four Port Arrangement Including Control Channel Termination**** $15.12
Per Five Port Arrangement Including Control Channel Termination**** $34.69
(9) Public Packet Switching Network (PPSN) Interface Arrangement ICB

* Improved Attenuation Distortion and Improved Envelope Delay Distortion will continue to be provided to all customers who were provided with either or both of these optional features in conjunction with C-Type Conditioning prior to May 4, 1988.

ICB rates and charges are filed in 17.3.9 following.

** The key activated control channel is rated as a Metallic Channel Termination and Channel Mileage, if applicable.

*** The Dial-Up option requires the customer to purchase the Controller Arrangement from 13.3.4 preceding.

**** An additional Channel Termination charge will apply whenever a spare channel is configured as a leg to the customer designated premises. Additional channel mileage charges will also apply when the transfer arrangement is not located in the customer designated premises serving wire center.

17.3.5 Program Audio Service

Regulations concerning Program Audio Service are set forth in Section 7.7 of the NECA Tariff F.C.C. No. 5.

17.3.5 Program Audio Service Monthly Rate Daily Rate Monthly Charge (Nonrecurring) Daily Charge (Nonrecurring)
(A) Channel Termination Per Termination
200 to 3500 Hz $277.35 $27.74 $450.00 $450.00
100 to 5000 Hz $482.93 $48.29 $450.00 $450.00
50 to 8000 Hz $482.93 $48.29 $450.00 $450.00
50 to 15000 Hz $482.93 $48.29 $450.00 $450.00
(B) Channel Mileage
(1) Channel Mileage Facility Per Mile
200 to 3500 Hz $18.70 $1.87
100 to 5000 Hz $37.27 $3.73
50 to 8000 Hz $55.95 $5.60
50 to 15000 Hz $74.59 $7.46
(2) Channel Mileage Termination Per Termination
200 to 3500 Hz $187.36 $18.74
100 to 5000 Hz $374.59 $37.46
50 to 8000 Hz $561.95 $56.20
50 to 15000 Hz $749.18 $74.92
(C) Optional Features and Functions
(1) Bridging, Distributions Amplifier Per Port $96.81 $9.68
(2) Gain Conditioning $67.61 $6.76
(3) Stereo Per Service $119.71 $11.97

* Daily rates will be topped and maximum rates derived as set forth in 7.2.2(B) preceding

17.3.6 Video Service

Regulations concerning Video Service are set forth in Section 7.8 of the NECA Tariff F.C.C. No. 5.

617.3.5 Video Service Monthly Rate Daily Rate Monthly Charge (Nonrecurring) Daily Charge (Nonrecurring)
(A) Channel Termination Per Termination
TV-1 or 2 $2,865.48 $1,576.01 $330.00 $330.00
4TV-5 $2,865.48 $1,576.01 $330.00 $330.00
6TV-5 $2,865.48 $1,576.01 $330.00 $330.00
TV-15 $2,865.48 $1,576.01 $330.00 $330.00
(B) Channel Mileage
(1) Channel Mileage Facility Per Mile – All $2,438.93 $1,341.41
(2) Channel Termination Per Termination – All $2,598.56 $1,429.21

17.3.7 Digital Data Service

Regulations concerning Digital Data Service are set forth in Section 7.9 of the NECA Tariff F.C.C. No. 5.

17.3.7 Digital Data Service Monthly Rate Nonrecurring Charge
(A) Channel Termination Per Termination
2.4 kbps $482.93 $390.00
4.8 kbps $482.93 $390.00
9.6 kbps $482.93 $390.00
19.2 kbps $482.93 $390.00
56.0 kbps $482.93 $390.00
64.0 kbps $482.93 $390.00
(B) Channel Mileage
(1) Channel Mileage Facility Per Mile
2.4 kbps $17.77
4.8 kbps $17.77
9.6 kbps $17.77
19.2 kbps $17.77
56.0 kbps $25.13
64.0 kbps $25.13
(2) Channel Mileage Termination Per Termination
2.4 kbps $177.96
4.8 kbps $177.96
9.6 kbps $177.96
19.2 kbps $177.96
56.0 kbps $252.16
64.0 kbps $252.16
(C) Optional Features and Functions
(1) Bridging Per Port $42.51
(2) Loop Transfer Arrangement Per Four Port Arrangement* Key Activated** or Dial-Up*** $30.11
(3) Public Packet Switching Network Interface Arrangement
Per 9.6 kbps arrangement ICB
Per 56.0 kbps arrangement ICB
(D) Channel Service Unit Per Termination****
2.4 kbps $150.59
4.8 kbps $150.59
9.6 kbps $150.59
56.0 kbps $150.59

* An additional Channel Termination charge will apply whenever a spare channel is configured as a leg to the customer designated premises. Additional Channel Mileage charges will also apply when the transfer arrangement is not located in the customer designated premises serving wire center. ICB Rates and Charges are filed in 17.3.9 following.

** The key activated control channel is rated as a Metallic Channel Termination and Channel Mileage, if applicable.

*** The Dial-Up option requires the customer to purchase the Controller Arrangement from 13.3.4 preceding.

**** Channel Service Units will only be provided under tariff if they existed in the Telephone Company’s inventory as of November 18, 1983.

17.3.8 High Capacity Service

Regulations concerning High Capacity Service are set forth in Section 7.10 of the NECA Tariff F.C.C. No. 5.

17.3.8 High Capacity Service Monthly Rate Nonrecurring Charge
(A) Channel Termination Per Termination
DS1 – 1.544 Mbps $1,204.13 $330.00
DS1C – 3.152 Mbps ICB
DS2 – 6.312 Mbps ICB
DS3 – 44.736 Mbps $9,927.34 $445.00
(B) Channel Mileage
(1) Channel Mileage Facility Per Mile
64 kbps* $25.13
1.544 Mbps $74.52
3.152 Mbps ICB
6.312 Mbps ICB
44.736 Mbps $648.91
(2) Channel Mileage Termination Per Termination
64 kbps* $252.16
1.544 Mbps $386.51
3.152 Mbps ICB
6.312 Mbps ICB
44.736 Mbps $2,481.82
(C) Term Discounts Percentage
DS1 to DS3 service
36 months 10%
60 months 20%
(D) Optional Features and Functions Monthly Rate
(1) Multiplexing, Per Arrangement
DS3 to DS1 $2,300.24
DS2 to DS1 ICB
DS1 to Voice** $949.32
DS1 to DS0 $949.32
DS0 to Subrates
Up to 20 2.4 kbps $2,269.62
Up to 10 4.8 kbps $1,542.25
Up to 5 9.6 kbps service $1,367.59
(2) Automatic Loop Transfer Per Arrangement*** $766.20
(3) Transfer Arrangement (key activated**** or Dial-Up*****) Per four port arrangement including control channel termination****** $835.13
(4) Clear Channel Capability
Per 1.544 Mbps transmission path None
(5) Shared SONET Ring Interoffice Transport
Per DS3 Channel Mileage Facility None
(E) Network Channel Terminating Equipment (NCTE) Per Termination
1.544 Mbps $434.54
Automatic Loop Transfer $1,745.96
(F) DSL Access Service Connection
Per 1.544 Mbps $1,214.60 $450.00
Per 4.736 Mbps $8,434.80 $650.00

* Applies to through connections of 2.4, 4.8, 9.6, 56.0 and 64 kbps. ICB rates and charges are filed in 17.3.9 following.

** A channel of this DS1 to the Hub can be used for Digital Data service.

ICB rates and charges are filed in 17.3.9 following.

***An additional Channel Termination charge will apply whenever the spare line is provided as a leg to the customer designated premises.

**** The key activated control channel is rated as a Metallic Channel Termination and Channel Mileage, if applicable.

***** The Dial-Up option requires the customer to purchase the Controller Arrangement from 13.3.4 preceding.

****** An additional Channel Termination charge will apply whenever a spare channel is configured as a leg to the customer designated premises. Additional channel mileage charges will also apply when the transfer arrangement is not located in the customer designated premises serving wire center.

17.3.9 Reserved for Future Use

17.3.10 Reserved for Future Use

17.3.11 Reserved for Future Use

17.4 Other Services

17.4.1 Access Ordering

17.4.1 Access Ordering Charge Tariff Section Reference
(A) Access Order Charge Per Order $86.00 5.4.1
(B) Service Date Change Charge
A Service Data Charge will apply, on a per order per occurrence
basis, for each service date changed. The Access Order Charge as
specified in 17.4.1(A) preceding does not apply. The application
charge is:
Service Date Change Charge, per order $60.00 5.4.3
(C) Design Change Charge
The Design Change Charge will apply on a per order per
occurrence basis, for each order requiring design change. The
applicable charge is:
Design Change Charge, per order $84.00 5.4.3
(D) Miscellaneous Service Order Charge
Per Occurrence $123.00 5.4.2

17.4.2 Additional Engineering

17.4.2 Additional Engineering Each Half Hour or Fraction Thereof Tariff Section Reference
(A) Basic Time per engineer normally scheduled working hours $31.03 13.1
(B) Overtime per engineer outside of normally scheduled working hours $46.55 13.1
(C) Premium Time outside of scheduled workday, per engineer $62.06 13.1

17.4.3 Additional Labor

17.4.3 Additional Labor Periods Each Half Hour or Fraction Thereof Tariff Section Reference
(A) Installation or Repair
Overtime, outside of normally scheduled working hours on a scheduled workday, per technician $47.57* 13.2.1 & 13.2.2
Premium Time, outside of scheduled workday, per technician $63.42* 13.2.1 & 13.2.2
(B) Standby
Basic Time, normally scheduled working hours per technician $21.18* 13.2.3
Overtime, outside of normally scheduled working hours on a scheduled workday, per technician $31.77* 13.2.3
Premium Time, outside of scheduled workday, per technician $42.36* 13.2.3
(C) Testing and Maintenance with other Telephone Companies, or Other Labor Installation and Repair Technician Central Office Maintenance Technician Tariff Section Reference
Basic Time per technician normally scheduled working hours $31.71 $34.66 13.2.4 & 13.2.5
Overtime per technician outside of normally scheduled working hours on a scheduled workday $47.57* $51.99* 13.2.4 & 13.2.5
Premium Time per technician outside of scheduled workday $63.42* $69.32* 1 13.2.4 & 13.2.5

* A call out of a Telephone Company employee at a time not consecutive with the employee’s scheduled work period is subject to a minimum charge of four hours.

17.4.4 Miscellaneous Services

17.4.4 Miscellaneous Services Each Half Hour or Fraction Thereof Per Test Per Transmission Path Tariff Section Reference
(A) Additional Cooperative Acceptance Testing – Switch Access
Testing Periods
Basic Time, Overtime* and Premium Time* See the rates for Additional labor as set forth in 17.4.3 (C) preceeding 13.3.1 (A)(1)
(B) Additional Automatic Testing – Switched Access to First Point of Switching
Additional Tests $2.89 13.3.1 (A)(2)
Gain-Slope Tests $2.89 13.3.1 (A)(2)
C-Notched Noise Tests $2.89 13.3.1 (A)(2)
1004 Hz Loss** $2.89 13.3.1 (A)(2)
C-Message Noise** $2.89 13.3.1 (A)(2)
Balance (return loss)** $2.89 13.3.1 (A)(2)
(C) Additional Cooperative Acceptance Testing – Switch Access to First Point of Switching
Additional Test
Gain-Slope, C-Notched and any other agreed to test, per technician See the rates for Additional labor as set forth in 17.4.3 (C) preceeding 13.3.1 (A)(3)
(D) Additional Cooperative Acceptance Testing – Special Access
Basic Time, Overtime* and Premium Time* See the rates for Additional labor as set forth in 17.4.3 (C) preceeding 13.3.1 (B)(1)
(E) Additional Manual Test – Special Access
Additional Tests
Basic Time, Overtime* and Premium Time* See the rates for Additional labor as set forth in 17.4.3 (C) preceeding 13.3.1 (B)(2)
(F) Maintenance of Service
Basic Time, Overtime* and Premium Time* See the rates for Additional labor as set forth in 17.4.3 (C) preceeding 13.3.2
(G) Telecommunications Service Priority Nonrecurring Charge
Per Service arranged $54.63 13.3.3
(H) Controller Arrangement Monthly Rate
Per Arrangement $100.00 13.3.4 (A)
(I) Presubscribed Interexchanged Carrier (PIC) Change Charge (PICC)*** 13.4 (J)
Per Telephone Exchange Service Line or trunk for each interLATA PIC change:
(1) Submitted using manual methods $5.50
(2) Submitted using electronic methods $1.25
(3) Submitted using manual methods when both the interLATA
PIC and intraLATA PIC selections are changed simultaneously
(4) Submitted using electronic methods when both the
interLATA PIC and intraLATA PIC selections are changed
(J) Reserved for Future Use
(K) Blocking Service**** Nonrecurring Charge
Per exchange service line or trunk and/or per Feature Group A
Switched Access Line
$11.20 13.8
(L) Billing Name and Address Service
Per BNA Order $50.94 13.9.4 (A)
Per BNA Record $0.33 13.9.4 (A)
Optional Magnetic Tape Charge Per Magnetic Tape $91.44 13.9.4 (B)
Optional Format Programming Charge per each half hour $37.20 13.9.4 (C)
(M) Originating Line Screening (OLS) Service
Per Exchange service line $7.95 13.10
(N) Coin Supervision Additive Service Monthly Rate
Per exchange service line $2.21 13.12
(O) Access Recovery Charge (ARC)
Not applicable to Intrastate

* A call out of a Telephone Company employee at a time not consecutive with the employee’s scheduled work period is subject to a minimum charge of four hours.

** 1004 Hz Loss, C-Message Noise and Balance are non-chargeable routine tests; however, they may be requested on an as needed or more than routine scheduled basis, in which case the charges herein apply.

*** This charge is generally billed to the end user who is the subscriber to the Telephone Exchange Service. In those instances where the IC both requests the PIC change, and requests the associated charge be billed to it, the Telephone Company will bill the IC. In the event the subscriber is incorrectly presubscribed due to misassignment on the part of the Telephone Company, no charge shall apply. In the event the subscriber denies requesting a PIC change, the Telephone Company will credit the subscriber’s account for the P I C C associated with the alleged unauthorized change, if such charge was billed to the subscriber. The Telephone Company will then bill the IC responsible for the alleged unauthorized change a PICC C to return the subscriber to its previous authorized carrier and, if initially billed to the subscriber, the PICC for the alleged unauthorized change.

**** Blocking access to 900 Service is offered to all subscribers at no charge

(a) from November 1, 1993 through December 31, 1993 and

(b) at the time telephone service is established at a new number and for 60 days thereafter.

17.4.5 Special Federal Government Access Services

Not applicable to Intrastate service.

17.4.6 Special Facilities Routing of Access Services

(A) Diversity

For each service provided in accordance with Section 11.1.1 of the NECA Tariff F.C.C. No. 5, the rates and charges will be developed on an individual case basis. (Reserved for future use.)

(B) Avoidance

For each service provided in accordance with Section 11.1.2 of the NECA Tariff F.C.C. No. 5, the rates and charges will be developed on an individual case basis. (Reserved for future use.)

(C) Diversity and Avoidance Combined

For each service provided in accordance with Sections 11.1.1 and 11.1.2 of the NECA Tariff F.C.C. No. 5, combined, the rates and charges will be developed on an individual case basis. (Reserved for future use.)

(D) Cable-Only Facilities

For each service provided in accordance with Section 11.1.4 of the NECA Tariff F.C.C. No. 5, the rates and charges will be developed on an individual case basis. (Reserved for future use.)

17.4.7 Specialized Service or Arrangements
